Face Glow : Anutaila

One of the best beauty formulae from India for face glow with anutaila. A regular routine for the care of the face will go a long way in keeping wrinkles at bay and in retaining the sparkle in the eyes. If this is supplemented with Nasya, the skin will benefit even more. Nasya with Anutaila is a simple and effective method to bring that special glow to your face.


  • Anutaila
Method of preparation

Anutaila is not prepared at home as it is readily available at Ayurvedic medical shops. 

Method of application

Pour a drop of the taila into each nostril and inhale. Nasya is inhalation of medicine through the nose. Care should be taken to ensure that Nasya is not carried out either before or after sunset. It is also important to refrain from applying any medicinal ointment or paste as a face - pack soon after Nasya.