
Shirovasti is considered more of a palliative (Shamana) treatment of ayurveda than an eliminative (Shodhana) one. As usual the treatment is preceded by oleation and sudation.

A leather sleeve about six to eight inches high is placed on the shaven head of the patient and a band (Vartti) tied around the forehead to secure it in place. The inside bottom edge of this sleeve is lined tight with kneaded dough to prevent leakage. Medicated oil is then poured into the sleeve and allowed to remain on the pate for a while. The oils commonly used are Ksheerabala or Dhanwantaram. The length of time for the oil to be kept on the head is determined by the severity of the illness. Usually it is upto fifty minutes for diseases caused by severe Vata disorders. 

Shirovasti is prescribed for diseases like facial paralysis, cataract, deafness, earache, insomnia and disorders of the cranial nerves.