
The central and southern India was under the rule of the Chaalukyas from 6th century to the 12th. Though known commonly as Chaalukyas, there were three different sects. 

One was the Baadaami Chaalukyas who came up with the fall of the Kadambas in the north of Karnataka. Baadami (Vatapi) was their power center and during the reign of Pulikesin II they became very strong. 

After his death, the Eastern Chaalukyaas came up from Venki, the capital. Vishnuvardhana, the brother of Pulikesin II was the founder of this dynasty which continued in power till 11th century. 

Then came the Western Chaalukyas in 937 A.D. They were the vassals of the Rashtrakutas first and later they set up their independent rule from Kalyaani, their capital. 

The rule of the Chaalukyas marked a golden period in the history of central-south India, when architecture, Kannada language and literature found greater heights.  The Telugu literature too flourished under the Eastern Chaalukyas.