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Preliminary exercise - Sarvangasana

Lie flat on your back. Keep the chin towards the chest so that you will feel the back of your neck staying firmly on the floor. Inhale and raise the right leg up perpendicular to the body keeping the toes pointing towards the head.

Reach up with both hands and grasp the leg as high as you can. Bring the head up towards the knee. Then return the head to the floor and release the grasp on the leg. Lower the leg gently.
Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Sarva Anga means all parts. This asana is said to bring benefits to the whole body. In order to perform the Sarvangasana properly you need some preparatory exercises that help strengthen the abdominal and lower back muscles.

Benefits: Gives a good stretch to the spine and makes it strong and flexible. Improves blood circulation. Strengthens heart and lungs.